Manchester Terrier book (GB)

A book written by Sandy Krijgsveld-Koster about the Manchester Terrier in English

Format : A5
Pages : 189
Full colour

Every chapter contains colour photos and illustrations to clarify the written texte.
Paperback ISBN: 9789460083075

These chapters you will find in the book:

With the help of Dexter Hockley ( Archivist BMTC), Peter Eva ( Breed Specialist), Mick Oxley ( Breed Specialist), Theo and Chantal v.d. Horst ( Terrier Judges), Leonie StClair ( Dog behaviourist) helped to make this book possible.. Ella Eva help me with proof reading and checked my grammar.

When people asked me if I wanted to translate my Dutch Manchester Terrier book I thought long and hard, mostly because I didn’t want to just copy. I wanted to give people new material to read. I hope that my book gives new insight and knowledge. It has given me a lot of pleasure to write this book and want to thank everyone who has so patiently helped me..

To give a little idea of how I write, here are two photographs.

My book is available as paperback and hardcover. The paperback only has an ISBN number.


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